Defining The #BLM Movement!

2 min readApr 8, 2021

#BlackLivesMatter means something different to every Black Person!

I realized that the world is trying to generalize something that shouldn’t be generalized.

They’re over 40 million Black people in the United States of America. We all have our lifestyle of thinking! When I hear and see #BlackLivesMatter, I am 100% certain this movement or statement means something different to every White, Black, Asian, or non-binary person.

Here is what it means to me:

(the JUSTICE in the court system is highly unfair to Black folks!)

Let us summarize what I mean.

A Black mother is sentenced to 45 years to life with no criminal history because she lies about her address to send her Black children to a better school system to have a better education.

A White mother is NOT sentenced; instead, she is put on probation for five years where she has no criminal history, but she lied about her address to send her White children to a better school system to have a better education. It isn’t fair.

Second example

Breonna Taylor, God rest her soul. She deserved justice. Her family received a $12 million settlement for their daughter’s life, but the officers who shot and killed her should have been sentenced to the death penalty.

I get it, the conspiracy theorists say we don’t know all the details, but her life was taken senselessly while she slept in her bed.

This is what we are and are NOT discussing:

Some say #BlackLivesMatter is a gimmick, but it is not. I can ensure you that White people and Black people are not treated the same in America’s justice system. Yes, every life has a purpose and matter, but we are not talking about that. We are talking about the fact that Black people are sentenced more harshly than White people. We are not talking about Black people killing Black people. We are not saying that White people don’t know the struggle. We are saying that a pattern in numbers shows the police officers, lawyers, judges, etc., do not treat Black people like they treat White people across America.

Police killing unarmed black people and getting away with it in America is a pandemic.




Unapologetic Leader | Author + Blogger| Truth Seeker | #WEOC | HR Professional | Founder of Paper + Hope |❤️ Thank you for connecting with me