5 Hard Truths about #BLM

2 min readApr 8, 2021

Does Anybody Want The Truth Anymore?

  1. #BlackLivesMatter is about the unfair structure in America’s justice system compared to the privileged design of White people in the same justice system.
    As Black people are not bitter and we could care less that you state there were White slaves. Regardless of it being White slaves, it is a proven fact that it was more Black slaves than White slaves.
  2. #BlackLivesMatter has nothing to do with Black people being superior or superior to White people.
  3. I 100% wholeheartedly believe that no White person can even fathom what a Black person goes through in the United States of America because their skin is not Black. It is an complete oblivion.
    It is insulting to say I don’t see color in a Black person. We as Black people, see our beautiful brown skin, and we love it. So saying we don’t see color lets us know your ignorant, oblivious, and probably justifying George Floyd’s death because he was an alleged “criminal”.
  4. #BlackLivesMatter has absolutely nothing to do with black people killing black people!
  5. Telling someone you are not racist because you have mixed grandchildren, your best friend is Black, your neighbor who you enjoy wine and cheese with is black means nothing to black people. It means to us you don’t get it, and you never will. Just because you love someone who is black doesn’t mean you are not racist. What it means is you tolerate that person despite their skin color. You even stating those things make my skin itch because you compare the hate in your heart to people you may or may not love due to you tolerating them because of their skin color.




Unapologetic Leader | Author + Blogger| Truth Seeker | #WEOC | HR Professional | Founder of Paper + Hope |❤️ Thank you for connecting with me